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Jan. 2018 Mini-Retreat Program of Events (preliminary)


SATURDAY 1:00 - 9:00 PM 



The program includes an opening service, three sessions with two to three concurrent workshops or activities, a Craft & Connect nook, a community dinner, and closing services.  For the first time, this retreat is open to young women in YRUU.  Childcare is also available if requested when registrating.


Preliminary Schedule:

1:00 - 1:30 PM - Registration & Registration Activities (Upstairs hall & Sanctuary B)

1:30 - 2:00 PM - Opening Service w/ Rev. Paige Getty & Retreat Committee (Sanctuary A)

2:00 - 2:10 PM - Break/transition time to workshop rooms

2:10 - 3:40 PM - Concurrent Workshop Session 1 (3 workshop options)

3:40 - 3:50 PM - Break/transition time to workshop rooms

3:50 - 5:20 PM - Concurrent Workshop Session 2 (3 workshop options)

5:20 - 5:30 PM - Break/transition time to dinner

5:30 - 6:50 PM - Dinner w/ Blessing by Robin Slaw & Activities by Retreat Committee (Sanctuary B)

6:50 - 7:00 PM - Break/transition time to workshop rooms

7:00 - 8:30 PM - Concurrent Workshop Session 3 (3 workshop options)

8:30 - 8:40 PM - Break/transition time to Closing Service

8:40 - 9:00 PM - Closing Service led by Becky Reese (Sanctuary A)


Ongoing Activities (non-staffed):

Craft & Connect Nook (Sanctuary B)

Indoor Walking Labyrinth (Chapel) 


Concurrent Workshops:

Session 1

Word of The Year - Regina Verow

Can a single word really change your life? Words are powerful. They can provide wisdom, insight, clarity, strength and energy. In this workshop, we’ll help you discern your own personal word for 2018. This word will remind you of your goals, encourage you to stretch yourself, and provide clarity throughout the year. We’ll also create a visual touchstone so that you can come back to your word again and again and learn from it while it guides you toward your authentic self.


Painting a Personal Chalice* - Elizabeth von Schlag

Use terra cotta pots, saucers and paint to create your own personal chalice to take home.  All materials and supplies are provided.  (Max 25)


Sacred Dance Workshop* - Irmina Ulysse

This is a gentle movement class that anyone can do. Lots of floor work and low impact. The sacredness is infused through deep connection of mind, body and spirit through each movement. Includes, Warm-up, basics of Yanvalou Bas (as inspired and taught by famed teacher Katherine Dunham) This is a great way to warm up the body. Fancy footwork known as Mayi and Congo (Dance inspired by Congo region in Africa) This is a wonderful way to inspire beauty and flow Sessions includes a cool-down and guided meditation. Participants are welcome to stay afterwards and share their sacred experience.  (Max 30)


Session 2

#MeToo and What Can You Do? Interrupting Rape Culture* - Brittany Eltringham, HopeWorks

“Boys will be boys.” “Locker room talk.” “What was she wearing?” Phrases like these are all too common and often go unchallenged. In this interactive workshop, we’ll start a conversation that explores what rape culture is and determine ways to disrupt it.  (Max 20)


Welcome to Paper Quilling* - Jennifer Grier

Quilling is the art of coiling paper strips into lacy shapes and beautiful designs. Join us to learn how to quill for cards, scrapbooks, jewelry, and more. You'll go home with your finished work, patterns, and extra paper to play with later.  (Max 20)


Yoga for Everyone - Nancy Kochuk

Use breath and movement to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.  Each participant should bring a yoga mat and a towel.  If anyone has yoga blocks or straps, they should bring those as well.  Some extra supplies may be available from Nancy.


Session 3

Finding Your Wise Mind *- Becky Bell

The Wise Mind is the place where our rational mind and emotional mind overlap. When we are able to look at situations through the lens of a strictly logical/rational perspective and also the lens of our emotional responses, and balance the two, we make better decisions in our lives. Understanding the the wise mind model also allows us to be more mindful of our emotional reactions.  This workshop is based on concepts from dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and will include a discussion on the concept of dialectics - that two opposing/conflicting statements or beliefs can both be true.  (Max 20)


Parenting Workshop: Developing Emotional intelligence in Children - Jen Siegal

This workshop for mothers with children will provide information, activities and discussion on how to help children learn to identify and express their emotions. There will be crafts, discussions, and participants will leave with a list of ideas for fun activities that help children (and adults) talk about their feelings. Although this is aimed towards parents, all are welcome - feel free to come learn how to express your emotions.


Spiritual Music & Drumming - Nellie Hill

Creating music together as a community is the most powerful form of spirituality, celebration, and connection. I will be bringing lots of fun instruments, along with drums so that you can choose many different ways to find your own music. 

*Workshop size restricted. Sign-ups are first-come, first-serve during Registration.



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